Online Compliance Manual
Risk Management under control
No more documents hiding under layers of folders.
More than just a compliance manual
Here is what is included
Templates & guides including Allocation of Responsibilities, Statement of Responsibilities, Annual Fit & Proper declaration.
Training & Competency Assessments
Including tests & answers!
Staff Recruitment & Onboarding
Recruitment Checklist, reference letters and forms, interview process, observation forms, development plans, 1-2-1 reviews.
Ongoing Competence
Client File Review templates & checklists, 1-2-1 reviews and KPI templates, CPD Log, Monthly Meeting Agenda.
Consumer Duty
Consumer Duty Plans, Fair Value Assessments, Consumer Duty Board Report.
Data Protection
Internal procedures, policies, and templates & guides.
Risk Assessment/Management
incorporating Anti-Money Laundering, Compliance Monitoring, Complaints & Business Continuity templates & guides.
Fair Treatment of Customers
Conflicts of Interest, Vulnerable Consumers, templates & guides.
Financial Promotions
Checklists, approval forms, logs & Social Media policies.
Introducers & Appointed Representatives
Recruitment checks, Due Diligence, Agreements, and register.
Material Breaches
DPA Breach Management plan, Breach Evaluation forms, Disciplinary Register.
Internal and external procedures, template letters. Complaint Evaluation forms.
Anti- Money Laundering
Internal procedures and reports, internal evaluations, Fraud Prevention procedures.
Social Media, Equality & Diversity, Vulnerable Consumers, Treating Customers Fairly, Anti Bribery & Modern-Day Slavery, Gifts & Hospitality.
Regulatory Business Plan. Business Continuity Plan, T&C Plan, Compliance Monitoring Plan.
and there is more... RISK MANAGEMENT
Why is Control important?
those pesky jobs that are never ‘one and done’! :
FCA reporting
Consumer Duty
We have a fix for these
Our system allows you to organise your documents and reminders for FCA returns, Reg Data and Connect.
Version control
Version control is a key element to demonstrate how and when documents have been updated or changed. Instead of v1.1.2. in footers, forget the little writing, leave them Naked, the portal will keep track of which version and when.
So, easy as ABC.
Box off that compliance with Naked and don’t be caught with your pants down!
I don’t Adam and Eve it, said the compliance director!
The indecent proposal
For Compliance Professionals
All our plans allow for an unlimited number of users,
with a choice of four levels of access and includes reporting functionality.
The Fig Leaf
£12 per month
Compliance Manual
& 15 slots - Includes 1 hour zoom meeting and 1 month’s training and support
The Fig Branch
£36 per month
Compliance Manual
& 50 slots - Includes 2 hour zoom meeting and 2 months training and support
The Full Fig Tree
£108 per month
Compliance Manual
& 500 slots - Includes 3 hour zoom meeting and 3 months training and support
The Garden of Eden
A version for big users, Click here to see Eve explain how it works.
Or for more information...
*All prices are inclusive of VAT
The Tree of Knowledge – some additional facts
User Access levels
Level 1 User: view share documents, replace document allowed subject to permissions but cannot upload new documents
Level 2 User: As above but can add documents
Level 3 Auditor: view documents and passed versions but cannot replace or add documents
Level 4 Admin: view and replace documents subject to permissions, can add documents and can see version history as well as add users
Help Pilot
The system comes with a navigational tool that supplies help with the task you are trying to complete. Its intuitive and focused
You can report on activity and check whether users have viewed or downloaded documents
Click here to contact us for a free trail
The difference between each proposal is the number of slots (Folders) you receive to store, version control and share your personalised templates and documents. Slots are titles and an unlimited number of documents can be added under the theme. Document valid from dates show when they took effect and optionally expiry dates will enable a reminder prompt to be issued by the system.
Trusted by our naked users
About us
Once upon a time, there were a couple of compliance consultants, we’ll call them Adam & Eve, who thought that there was far too much nonsense, noise and complexity in the world of regulatory compliance. So, they vowed that one day they would fix this, strip it back to the bare necessities and create something more useful.
After a decade or so of procrastination; whilst both Adam & Eve were actually helping people to discard the mountains of neglected manuals, they both decided they had become far too busy to help many more people: they worked harder, they worked smarter and even had a global pandemic lockdown, to no avail. The tree of knowledge just keeps on delivering fruit and Adam & Eve are eating the apples as fast as they can, but they felt that they could do something better.
After a lot of ribbing, meetings with snakes and much zooming, Adam & Eve finally took the plunge, doffed off the logos and Naked Compliance was born!
Amid much giggling and frippery, they managed to hatch a plan and build a brand that delivers what’s needed and with such panache that a far wider audience can be reached and helped.
Risk management, task diary & version control.
Audit review function.
Monitoring and flexible control.
All of this can be found in the Naked Compliance Garden of Eden! That of course is a metaphor for a piece of software as we are in the 21st century.
The team
Who does this system work for?
Do it Yourself – Firms, Compliance Managers
Compliance Consultants – providing complete visibility for both the consultancy and client firm
Any firm trying to keep control and evidence ongoing compliance